Thursday, April 27, 2023

Been thinking about this for awhile now. If there is outrage about transwomen competing against biological women in sports then what about close combat?

 I don't know why anyone isn't hitting on this and I've been thinking about it for awhile but if people are finally rallying to the idea (to include feminists) that transwomen shouldn't be allowed to compete in sports reserved for biological women then what about close combat/infantry?

It shows how batshit crazy our leadership is.

We setup different sports leagues for women because we acknowledge the physical differences between men and women yet we are willing to toss women into the meat grinder of close combat?

Do you think that enemy infantryman is gonna give a damn?  After seeing what's happened to the population in Ukraine do you think that a female Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine isn't gonna get gang raped to death (probably most forces that we'll see on the battlefield will do that).

Make it make sense!

Even worse.

Every Marine leader of worth knows this.  Many Army leaders do too yet none have spoken out.

The blood of female servicemembers will be on their hands.  The only fair thing will be if there daughters suffer along with a few misguided women from the middle and lower class that bought into the lies.

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