Thursday, April 06, 2023

China sends carrier group off Taiwan coast ahead of US meeting

 via Reuters

Taiwan's defence ministry said on Wednesday a Chinese aircraft carrier group was in the waters off the island's southeast coast, the same day President Tsai Ing-wen was due to meet U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in Los Angeles.

China, which claims democratically-governed Taiwan as its own territory, has warned of unspecified retaliation if the meeting goes ahead.

China staged war games around Taiwan last August following the visit to Taipei of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


 "In addition to posing a substantial threat to our national security, it also destroys the status quo of regional security and stability. Such actions are by no means the acts of a responsible modern country."

The ministry provided two pictures - one a grainy black and white image of the carrier taken from the air, and the other of a Taiwanese sailor looking at the Shandong and another unidentified ship in the distance.

China has yet to comment on the carrier group, whose appearance also coincided with the arrival in Beijing of French President Emmanuel Macron.


Two things.

1.  Freedom of navigation exercises cut both way don't they?  Peer vs Peer and super power "competition" is a bitch ain't it?

2.  I thought the USMC and the rest of the services were all about "deterring" and "competing" and "grey zone activities".  Talking the talk is one thing.  Walking the walk is something else ain't it?

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