Monday, April 24, 2023

Don Lemon fired from CNN & Tucker Carlson parts ways with Fox?


Did not see any of this happening.

The Tucker Carlson news is more stunning to me so lets hit that first.  The announcement was made around 0900 Central Time that Fox News and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways and that the broadcast last Friday was his last.


That dude is popular.  If it was a pleasant parting seems like they could have let him tell his audience bye.

But they didn't do that.

More to that story and I can't wait to hear it.  

Now on to Lemon.  Saw this from a mile away.  The bible says pride goeth before the fall and from what I could see this dude was a prideful individual...ON STEROIDS.

Rumors are floating that it has something to do with how he treated female colleagues but I find that weird.

I thought gay guys got along GREAT with females.

Wish I could say that this is a turn to making CNN a hard news channel but I don't think so.  I think its probably a preliminary move to get ahead of a lawsuit.

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