Friday, April 21, 2023

High Mobility Rocket Artillery System Rapid Infiltration (HIRAIN) video. Who came up with this concept and why are they practicing this idiocy!

So let me get this straight. You're gonna load up a HIMARS onto a C-17, "rapidly infiltrate" onto a particular piece of ground, fire the rockets off and avoid detection while doing it? Let's give the benefit of the doubt and assume they're not detected. Let's further assume that the C-17 leaves and more HIMARS are flown in or the vehicles are reloaded. You still have to wonder WHY!

Let's be honest.

This is just a rehashed cannon artillery raid that never made sense either.

This is the weekend assignment for the blog (not really but if you know and have the time to dig I'd appreciate it).

1.  Name one instance where US or foreign forces actually conducted an a cannon artillery/gun/or missile raid.

2.  Name how this actually makes sense in a contested environment against a peer foe.  Hell I'll even accept how it makes sense against insurgents in the modern era!

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