Friday, April 21, 2023

It ain't getting better in Sudan...I expect a move perhaps this weekend to evacuate the embassy


Yeah its getting real sporting over there. If military planners are on the ball then they are getting ready to go sooner rather than later. They announced troops were being assembled today? That means they've been flowing into the area probably since the middle of last week. That announcement was to prep the public to this possibility. They're gonna go by air and they're gonna have to setup a cap over the op so forces can get in, get civilians out, destroy any info (if they haven't already) and then get the force out. That doesn't include any Americans in the community plus probably a shitload of foreign nationals and our favorite little pets that have done our bidding.

So what is all that?

From the start of the operation to the end?  If nothing goes terribly wrong?

I'm guessing two days on the ground for the trigger pullers.  They're gonna be dragging for those 60+ hours (wide awake for 12 hours before the op starts, drinking energy drinks/coffee/dip for 48 hrs on the ground and then wide awake for a bad flight home).

Not too bad.  I imagine everyone reading this has done max effort for 72hrs and were non-the-worse for wear afterwords.

Now if things go sideways.

If a MV-22 or CH-47G goes down then all bets are off (Rangers better be ready to zoom in quick)....those 160th bubbas better be ready cause they're gonna earn a few distinguished flying crosses if this goes sideways.

That will extend things and whenever things extend for the US military that usually means we start pouring more forces into the area and eventually the fight becomes ours.

We'll see, but that's my prediction.  Embassy evacuation goes this weekend and probably the French, Brits and maybe a few others will toss in some token forces (probably Special Ops and helos).

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