Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Long time reader indicates that Kurganets-25 is likely dead....


Long time reader, S300V4 said this in the comments section...

Su-57 is expected to reach 1 per month rate this year. Or already reached, information is now scarce. Goal "76 before 2027" might as well be reached.

T-14 is being supplied to training facilities and does some warm up in Donbass, according to TASS. Tank is beyond "lets close it", it is near ready, I guess.

Kuragenetz is probably dead.

Bumerang developer said they are going for state trials again, "alterations were made and we are now ready for another try".

Koalitsiya is alive and is being "updated in chassis". Chief of Artiellery and Missile stuff says its "nearly completed".

So far progress is slow (war, after all) but so only Kurganetz is highly likely dead - most of other projects are (i'm suprised) were not axed due to war.


This is what I was hoping for with having readers from so many parts of the world.  Real deal info.  At least with the hardware side of things.

Did anyone even think to ask where the Kuragenetz was in its development phase?

I hadn't.

To be honest it had slipped my mind.  Now we know its probably dead.

Open source info mixed with informed readers worldwide contributing to the conversation.  That shit is awesome! 

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