Saturday, April 22, 2023

My prediction was correct. The US embassy has been evacuated...


Told ya they'd do it this weekend.

Good God!

The Pentagon follows a script that I'm beginning to glob onto.  

1.  They raise an issue on the skimpy coverage of worldwide news on US main stream media broadcasts.  That primes the pump to let the public know that action in a certain location is possible.

2.  The White House announces that troops are being moved to a certain location to show the Commander In Chief is an alpha and that he is on the situation that suddenly got raised in the media.

3.  The members of this blog already know the deal with all of the above.  If you're not active duty keep up with your brothers that are.  If they start moving unexpectedly then you know shit is up.  

4.  Understand that the announced "movement of forces" has been completed before news has even broken.  

5.  Understand that while the troops are moving the various shops are working out the planning of said operation.

6.  Expect that you will get NO real news of events on the ground. Journalism is dead.  The military has learned to control the narrative (the only fucking thing they learned from our defeats from Vietnam to Somalia to Beirut to Syria to Afghanistan) so we will get tailored news of a SUCCESSFUL op.

7.  Keep eyes open for units involved and body counts of forces that are involved in a fight (meaning between govt and insurgent forces fighting there).  That will give a great idea on whether we escaped without a scratch or if someone got nicked up, fucked up or killed....or if we did the nicking up, the fucking someone up or killing.


WE ONCE DID THIS ALL THE TIME!  I MISS IT!  TOO MANY YES BOYS HAVE INVADED THE BLOG...AND...I made the turn to politics.  Perhaps, not at all sure but perhaps that was a mistake.  Plotting the moves of Defense Depts/Ministry Of Defense is so much more fun.

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