Thursday, April 20, 2023

One thing about the trans issue.

Have you noticed one thing about the trans issue?  I wish I could take credit for it but it ain't mine.

Transwomen are piling into women's sport at a breathtaking rate.  

Transmen aren't piling into men's sports.

The difference?

Obvious.  A biological male can take on a biological female that transitions to male without difficulty.  We're just built that way and drug use can only do so much.

A biological male competing against biological female and then transitions has a natural advantage that can't be compensated for without huge ingestion of estrogen (for the biological male) along with huge ingestion of testosterone for the biological female.

But ya know what irks me the most.

Women aren't fighting this fight.

Men are fighting for women in this and women are on the sidelines (except for that brave swimmer) not wanting to defend themselves or more importantly THEIR DAUGHTERS!

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