Thursday, April 27, 2023

Suddenly Egypt because of supreme importance in the Sudan evacuation...


Egypt is important now and govts all over the world better make note. Africa is about to become the new "gold rush" or rather it will be the new strategic mineral rush of the world. While I expect the US to continue to play worn out imperial games, the French have learned recently and the Chinese always knew (although they have made more than few missteps with their approach) that the key is thru economic partnerships, not military partnerships.

I believe, not sure at all, but I believe that Bush Jr pushed the idea of using the military as a "diplomat" and that's when we got the view that the US military also served as a quasi state dept.

Bush Jr was wrong and the Pentagon was wrong for not pushing back on the idea.

Class assignment.  Name the last REAL SecOfState.  By that I mean someone that actually performed the job and did not pursue an agenda of regime change, economic blackmail etc... (just had a realization .. what if that IS the job!).

List here.  I look forward to your answers.  

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