Tuesday, April 04, 2023

The Future of Marine Corps Logistics


Know your role.

Stay in your lane.

I wonder if the Marine Corps knows it role anymore (not this bullshit second land Army stuff).

The MAGTF worked so well because it was well defined and aware of its strengths and limitations.

An MEU could self sustain for 15 days.  MEB for 30 days.  MEF for 45 days.

But a smaller formation, the MLR, is twisting itself into knots because it can't quite figure out how its gonna be sustained.

A force that is going to be in the "blunt" contact zone (I so despise the new Marine Corps lingo) and within the enemies weapons engagement zone and supposedly linger inside that area while being stealthy and setting up EABOs, FARPs, and missile trucks can't figure out how to sustain itself?

You damn right it can't because that tech doesn't exist.

But that's par for the course.  The missiles that give the MLR teeth aren't ready and won't be ready for another few years.

So where are we?

A tweener force.  Can't do legacy missions and can't do the Stand In Force.

The next Commandant is gonna have some serious choices to make, meanwhile the internal USMC civil war goes on.

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