Wednesday, April 05, 2023

The MSM is finally understanding the issue with the dollar's destruction...


I had hoped we could avoid a war with China.

This latest move by them all but ensures that war will be declared.

Many US elites will feel like we have no choice.

The dollar is dying, we have tremendous debt, our social fabric is fraying and a major recession is looming.

To many of the elite in the US, war is the answer. 

Watch the military contracts and how hard they push industry to arm up but I'm guessing right after the US presidential election.

2025-2026 and both sides will probably be ready.

Which brings us to where.  I always thought Africa because its resource rich.

Not anymore.

I think it won't be in the Pacific.  Losing Taiwan won't hurt us.  An old fashioned oil war will however.

I think Iran and Israel will finally tie up and China and the US will be fighting a proxy war.

I didn't talk about inflation but a big war in the Middle East will make oil spike to 150 a barrel or more and that will only deepen our recession but also cripple Europe, enrich Russia and set the stage for China to make a move on Taiwan unopposed in 2027 (right on schedule).

We are easily distracted and our leaders don't think.

We're fucked.

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