Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Pentagon is leaking this potential embassy evacuation because its gonna be hairy...


The Pentagon has a habit of leaking certain news it wants out to its favorite "journalists" when it wants to shape a narrative.

This one is easy to see.

The Pentagon is leaking this one because they know its gonna be a hairy operation and its probably gonna get ugly.

Item 1.  Its in the middle of a freaking civil war.
Item 2.  The govt there believes that the US "approved" the insurgent activity.
Item 3.  There is significant Russian and Chinese military assets and activity in the area.

What does all that mean to me?

It is gonna be a combat situation from the start with the possibility that ALL SIDES will be firing at our aircraft.

Never thought I would say this but I believe this is probably beyond the capabilities of an MEU to perform.  Oh and that's a legacy MEU, not the abomination that Berger's wonder kids have built today.

So where does that leave us?

Probably a couple of Ranger Companies along with a Special Forces Detachment, the 160th with copious amounts of Air Force and MAYBE Navy/Marine Corps aircraft along to make it all look like its a "joint service" effort.

Make no mistake though.

The shooters on the ground will be 95% Army with maybe a few SEALs/MARSOC to keep the SOCOM family happy.

If I'm right then God Bless the boys doing this job (should have happened long before this kicked off) and doom on  the State Dept for not having its shit together to act before it turned into a clusterfuck from hell.

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