Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Turkish heavy-weight attack UAV (Bayraktar Akinci) and unmanned fighter (Bayraktar Kizilelma) carried out a joint flight

Jesus! The Turks are zooming along with their UAV programs and very few people are paying attention. Armor is zooming too. Oh and did I mention the unmanned naval ship program is zooming? How they're building drone ships that look capable of swarming a naval task force? Imagine an aerial drone and unmanned ship drone attack on a naval task force...an all quadrant attack that puts the task force on its back foot followed up by manned fighters going in for precision strikes on capital ships that are in the middle of damage control/rescue operations. We need to walk and chew bubble gum. We've become scared to push tech. Musk is right. The designers in the 50s were right. Try. If you fail you learn. But try! We've become scared of failure in our development. Too cautious. Even DARPA has slowed down. Evolutionary upgrades with an eye toward technological advancement/design/research. That is how you build a force in the 21st century.

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