Wednesday, April 19, 2023

This is the most startling prediction of what could happen if we go to war with China...and what we need to do now to get ready...

 via Real Clear Defense

If the United States manages to reassume National Will, but deterrence fails, we will respond militarily. There is no doubt China will resort to forms of economic warfare. If the CCP must bear the brunt of extreme financial consequences, then I believe they will begin taking drastic measures. The PLA will employ unconventional military techniques right here in the United States through our porous border. This will take the shape of either undocumented foreign agents from malign nation states or proxy forces such as Central American cartels paid off by the CCP, who will sabotage our power grid with relative ease, striking any number of the roughly 55,000 substations across the United States.[viii] This will likely bring the grid down like a game of Jenga, thrusting the United States back into the late 1800s. Remember The Monsters are Due on Maple Street? This time the monsters will be on every street in America armed with pistols and AR-15s.


This article.  Just wow.

What has me spinning is how everything is lining up for us to get our teeth kicked in and how we will be faced with a zombie/mob situation in addition to a war (if this guy is right and things play out as he fears). 

I'm gonna point out a Senator I love to hate.  Lindsey Graham.

That fucker doesn't know of war he doesn't love and while he is talking up the coming conflict, I see NO PREPERATION of the American society to steel themselves for the pain that is sure to come.

If China crosses the berm before 2030 we're screwed.

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