Monday, May 08, 2023

Chart showing recession probabilities worldwide in 2023

 Thanks to Panthera Pardus for the pic!

If we were using old/legacy standards of what constitutes a recession then the US would already be in one.

I think the same applies to the UK and most of Europe (war has a price and is inflationary besides the bloodshed).

What I find amazing is that Russia has a lower chance of recession than many countries that are boycotting it.

Ain't that a kick in the pants!

What should grab everyone's attention is the sleeping mega giant that is about to swoop in and crush us all.


In the US everyone is in awe of the Japanese or Chinese but Indian Americans are killing it as a group.

All those doctors and engineers (might be stereotyping but have you noticed that the one school we offer that isn't high up the list that many foreign students fight to get into isn't law school?) could be lured back home to a prosperous and rising India.

Also note the small print.  70% of Indian Americans have bachelors degrees.  Not the bullshit journalism or culinary arts but hard sciences!

Sleep on India if you want to but you'd be making a mistake.

Early prediction too (call it a bonus).

India and Pakistan will have a limited nuclear exchange within the next 10-20 years.  Why?  Because Pakistan will understand that they can't keep pace so they'll want to blunt India's rise.  It won't work and the world will be alarmed but it will cause the collapse of the Pakistan govt and forces will rush to keep those nukes from falling into the wrong hands (probably a joint international effort---SOCOM Olympics indeed!).

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