Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Heads up. There is a low grade tanker war going on in the Persian Gulf...

Background on this bullshit. THE US NAVY seized an Iranian tanker on its way to China. The Iranians retaliated by seizing an oil tanker. Don't know if we seized an additional tanker but now we see the Iranians have seized ANOTHER one. Who is coming up with this? I'm positive that the Chinese are evaluating whether or not to send a few of their destroyers to escort their oil shipments. The US Navy is NOT ready for this challenge. The Marine Littoral Regiment is not equipped to "deter" this type activity (nor will it be in the future). What does this illustrate? From my chair it validates my talking point. The flash point between the US and China will NOT be the Pacific but WILL BE in the Middle East or Africa over resources!

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