Tuesday, May 02, 2023

HMLA-367 is supporting 75th Ranger Regiment and 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) @ NTC

Hmm. This is busy work. The 160th don't need USMC gunships to provide cover. One AC-130 or a few UAVs flying support will work for them. I guess the move now is to become an enabling force for SOCOM? Don't see much future in that. Another mission that Army assets can perform...especially when the fight moves further from the sea under FD2030. SOCOM is much in love with the 160th. If this is the move then they'd do better to try and support AF Special Ops CV-22s. Tie that into the Pacific fight with longer distances involved that the little bird can't handle. But that leads back to the issue of being a ONE theater force that is useless everywhere else. Remember Belleau Wood. Marines go where the nation needs, not where they planned for the next fight. There is no wiggle room in this concept. Berger went native when he was in the Pacific and he's trying to drag the Marines along with him.

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