Monday, May 08, 2023

It really shook confidence in his professional military judgement


One retired Marine put it thus:

Gen. Berger’s testimony for 30 of those Light Amphibious Warships at $300 million [USD] per copy — which were to flit among the islands but withdraw from the [area of operations] in the event of armed conflict — really shook confidence in his professional military judgment. [In the Department of Navy as well as Congress.]

In the waning days of his office, for him to now claim, “What I meant to say was I really really need those full-up 31 Amphib big decks….” just doesn’t resonate.  


I'm just wrapping my brain around how big this amphibious shipping crisis is.

The next Commandant will have to do more than walk and chew bubble gum.

The minute he hits office he's gonna have to fight to fix the ARG/MEU.

If he's a Berger acolyte then he's gonna have to work to finish his vision while at the same time defending the need for at least 31 big decks.

Oh and he's gonna have to work to repair the rift in the Marine Corps family over how Berger pursued his vision. 

Don't care whether you like Force Design 2030 or not (I don't). One thing is undeniable. 

The United States Marine Corps is in worse shape now than when Berger took over as Commandant.

His legacy will be one of failure.

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