Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Motorcycle "powered" armed robbery

This is huge in S. America and from what I've seen from videos its really bad in Brazil and Mexico. My question? How soon before it starts hitting up here in the US. My dept uses Ford SUVs for patrol (a few sedans for administrative purposes) but if you've ever chased a motorcycle then you know they make the almost perfect get away machine. 

 Their acceleration is tops, they're extremely maneuverable and even if you run into slow or stopped traffic the chase goes on because they lane split and can easily navigate sidewalks etc...The only real way to stop it is to have armed citizens detecting and then neutralizing the threat. 

 Of course that means that you're gonna have to put down the cell phone if you're walking (yeah, they go as far as to steal your phones and what cash you have on you), turn down the radio and get your head up if you're in a vehicle and for all to basically get your head up and be alert to threats.

For some its too much to ask but the threat is looming and the public should get ready for it.

Quite honestly I'm looking for a country spin to it in my area.  Even in urban areas ATVs are extremely popular.  Individuals tune those little beasts up to 11 and they're much much faster than you can imagine.  Add to it the ability to carry up to 4 people and you can see virtual robbery squads rolling around.

They don't have the extreme maneuverability of a motorcycle on pavement but they have a distinct advantage off road...especially against the SUVs used by the State Police, Sheriff's Depts & Police which are lowered for higher speed (beefed up engines too...those puppies can fly!).

This is coming in the next crime wave in the US.  Get ready now!

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