Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Now we might have bases in Finland? The tilt to Europe is weakening us worldwide

Mark my words. This tilt towards Europe which never seems to lessen will have dramatic consequences for us worldwide. We only have so many forces and to have SO MANY dedicated to Europe is a mistake. Name hotspots. Ukraine is the only one in Europe. To be honest and to piss off the haters, that conflict is contained. It's dragging on too long just like all the wars we participate in during the modern era but its contained. Russia ain't about to attack NATO! The rest of the world? Big issues. LIMITED RESCOURCES REQUIRES PRIORITIZATION! The forward deployed concept is a loser. Everyone claims to be expeditionary but everytime you look up you see forces locked into one geographic location. Time to bring back REFORGER for Europe and the rapid deployment force for the rest of the world!

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