Wednesday, May 03, 2023

This is too stupid to be believed. NATO is livid as Ukraine carelessly stockpiled US and EU weapons in a few well known locations. Russia launched a massive missile attack against those sites last night

Now for the batshit crazy talk that I expect from Zelensky, that will have to be reined in by adults (do we have any in Washington) before this thing spirals uncontrollably. They're talking about conducting deep strikes into Russia against water, power sites etc... There you have it boys and girls. This war is gonna drag on thru this year into our Presidential cycle. What should worry the Ukrainians is that the Russians are stockpiling munitions right now. I believe that they, along with Chinese are gonna make a major push to fully retake those 3 pro Russian provinces and to reinforce Crimea while hammering Ukrainian forces where ever they find them. What am I saying? I'm saying that the Chinese are covertly arming Russia and that it will be plain for all to see in 2024. Additionaly because of what we're seeing from the Iranians lately I would guess that they're doing the same with an eye toward Israel. Our Gulf partners will probably sit on the sidelines of that conflict and we will have two regional wars. 2024 is gonna be crazy.

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