Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Ukrainian military casualties are big trouble for Biden

 via AsiaTimes

In a shocking statement that has now been withdrawn, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote that Ukraine has lost 100,000 soldiers and 20,000 civilians in the Ukraine war. 

This conforms to comments made by US Joint Chief of Staff head General Mark Milley, who in a speech at a conference hosted by New York’s Economic Club said that more than 100,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded in the war and that the number of troop casualties is probably the “same” for Ukraine’s army.

Ukraine’s heavy casualties are a signal that Washington’s de facto war with Russia is in trouble. President Joe Biden has to change direction or face a national security crisis that could end his presidency.

Ukraine may look as if it were winning. The truth is the opposite because Ukraine is running out of manpower it cannot replace. It is losing by attrition on the battlefield and, with the Russians systematically destroying its infrastructure, millions of Ukrainians have fled abroad. It is unlikely the country could recover even if the war should end tomorrow.


I know my audience.  For a vast majority of you this will be downplayed and dismissed.

But for the others I present this idea.

I'm fully onboard with what this article is putting out.

I truly believe we are in a time of max risk with our defense stockpile (Europe is beyond that...this war has crippled us, not only the warring sides).

But about Ukraine itself.

The underreported corruption by the highest ranking officials is happening for a reason.

They know Ukraine as it existed is long gone.

They're setting themselves up for the future by stealing now.

What happens to the country?

I believe Poland.  I am beyond sure that they'll annex portions of Ukraine.

Russia will hold onto what it has.  

The rest?  I don't know.  Perhaps some type of EU administrative zone or even UN.

Regardless.  Ukraine win or lose is gonna lose big.

Bonus from the same article...

Among the most stunning bits of information that have recently surfaced, reports in Poland say that around 1,200 Polish “volunteers” have been killed in Ukraine. These appear to have been drawn from Poland’s active land army, which consists of three main divisions. 

Poland is hip deep in this fight and they will take their piece of the prize once the fighting is done. 

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