Thursday, June 29, 2023

A parade ready unit is not combat ready. The Navy is stretching that saying to the limit!

 Thanks to Gerard for the pic!

If the Navy can't get the basics upkeep of their ships then how can we trust that all those exquisite weapon systems are ready?

We all know the saying that a parade ready unit is not a combat ready unit.

But this.  This is downright disgusting.

Our Navy is in a hurt locker.  To be honest I can understand (don't like it but understand) the Navy's reluctance to buy the Landing Ship Medium for the Marine Corps.

They need to get their house in order before adding any more ships.

It also could apply to new amphibs.  The Navy is in the midst of a serious recruiting crisis.  New ships that they don't have the Sailors to man is a problem.  They probably want to decrease the number of amphibs so they have enough Sailors to equip their destroyers.

Which is more valuable to the sea battle?  A Marine Littoral Regiment or two additional Burke Destroyers?

That's another mistake that Force Design 2030 made.

The Marine Corps went first and expected the other services to follow on tilt to the Pacific.  The other services are worried about world wide obligations with limited resources and CAN NOT laser focus on one region.

The USMC misread the room.  The US Navy is trying to cover its bases and get its sea legs back.

Until the Navy rights itself the USMC is stuck in limbo...especially if naval integration is the future course and not being a true member of the joint force available to the Combatant Commanders as a stand alone entity.

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