Monday, June 19, 2023

Everything is propaganda. If not then no one can keep their mouth shut

Just plain wow.

Everything is propaganda.  I kinda suspect this is and its purpose is to serve as a warning to Belarus for accepting Russian nukes.

If it is NOT propaganda then no one can keep their mouths shut about operations.

We heard about the counteroffensive for months.  It was so feeble that we had a hard time figuring out if it actually started or not but it was broadcast straight from Zelensky's office.

Now this.

I saw the name of the guy that's leading this effort in another post but deleted it.  Stupid move.

You want to know the real purpose of special operations in a peer vs peer war?

Sabotage, assassination, sowing fear in the populace of hostile/allied nations and destruction of critical infrastructure or assisting in its destruction by targeting of said infrastructure.

Why we're not seeing special ops more active on both sides is beyond me but I consider it another form of restraint in a crazy war.

If it was a logical war then hit teams would already be on the way to get this guy and kill his "insurgents".

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