Friday, June 23, 2023

Israeli Prime Minister confirms that Western weapons are flowing thru Ukraine to terrorists in the Middle East...the warning about corruption in Ukraine was spot on


Just plain wow. The Israeli PM is stating that Western weapons have gone to Ukraine, hit the market and ended up in the hands of terrorists in the Middle East. This should be front page news. I warned about the rampant corruption Ukraine. I also warned that we might face the scenario that criminal organizations might use anti-tank weapons to take on local law enforcement or worse they might decide to destroy an airliner with one of the manpads we've sent. This war will be a threat to the West for several generations to come. Bad policy always leads to bad results.

Of course the real kick in the pants is that even Israel has decided that it will not go along with US "asks".  

We've lost the Middle East.

It's now a Russia/China playground.

We are watching real time America power/influence decline. 

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