Saturday, June 03, 2023

NSFW - lone russian soldier gets hit by a dropped-grenade from a drone belonging to the 59th motorized brigade.

Here is what I see. Knocked out tank to the left. What appears to be an injured soldier lying in a bomb crater. Torniqute on his leg? Not moving. Obviously aware of the drone. Makes no move to escape. It appears he can see the grenade drop. Still doesn't attempt to run. Instead makes a half hearted attempt to cover up. Grenade lands. Slight delay. Still no attempt to run. Grenade goes off and he's in shit state beyond repair. Mercy kill? Soldier simply resigned to his fate? Sweeping the battlefield before sending in your infantry? 

Curious to see what readers say on this one. 

My only prayer is that his family doesn't see this. No family of whatever country needs to see their loved one die violently.  
NSFW - lone russian soldier gets hit by a dropped-grenade from a drone belonging to the 59th motorized brigade.
by u/RetroProxyGroup in UkraineWarVideoReport

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