Monday, June 12, 2023

Sicario seen with AT-4 anti-tank missile. How can it be anything but Narco-Insurgency in Mexico


When you have Narco Hitmen walking around with AT-4s how can it be considered anything but a Narco-Insurgency. I'm sure our intel agencies have even more info on the issues there and I'm sure they've already labeled them as such. Quite honestly a "partial" intervention into the border region with Mexico to establish a buffer zone ala North/South Korea is probably warranted at this time.

But back on task.

AT-4s in Mexico in the hands of gangsters.  How long before some connected individual decides to make a trip or have it delivered across the border for some spicy domestic action.

Law Enforcement, Politicians and the general public is not ready for what's coming.

Times are so good that Americans are worried about silly shit. That's gonna end soon and shit is gonna get real for everyone.

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