Thursday, June 08, 2023

Starting to see many pics of Western gear destroyed in the Ukrainian counteroffensive..

Looks like a CV-90 in the pic above. Also looks like its seen better days.

We're starting to see many pics of Western gear destroyed in the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Many dispute those pics.  Ok.  We'll see what we'll see in that regard but something is off with this counteroffensive from where I'm sitting.

The Ukrainians are nothing if not the masters of propaganda and they have a huge fanbase that amplifies anything they put out.  Additionally they have tons of surrogates that multiply the propaganda services work so they flood the zone.

Yet with this counteroffensive we're hearing practically nothing.

I was expecting to see massive movements of the map.  Ukraine appears to be maneuver territory built for armored forces and combined arms teams.

But we're hearing at best gains of maybe a kilometer or two.  AT BEST.

Two quick takeaways?  Dispersed forces have difficulty mounting an offense.  I would contend that dispersed forces are damn near incapable of mounting an offense.

The next is that this war has truly settled into a stalemate.  The lines are for better or worse frozen.

Perhaps now is the time for the Chinese to push thru their peace plan.

Ukraine is weary.  Russia is weary.  The West is about at the limits of what it can prudently provide.

Now might be the time when we can knock this off.

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