Thursday, June 01, 2023

The so called leader of the free world exudes nothing but weakness of body, mind & morality. We're screwed.

Does this look like the leader of the free world?

If you said yes then you're full of shit.

This looks like an old man that belongs at home eating jello.

The very idea that someone this frail is leader of the free world is an indictment of how weak and feeble we have become.  The President of the United States exudes nothing but weakness of body, mind & morality.

Our leaders are not ready.  Most belong either at home or elder care somewhere.

Our society is not ready.  They elected this geriatric to lead them into a new century and he has invited a bunch of revolutionary children with no idea how the real world works to guide his so called policy.

We're fucked.  Super fucked.

He's our Yeltsin?  If only we were so lucky.  If the House actually had any balls then they would demand a competency check and if he failed demand that he leave office.

I know.  It would give us the cackling hen but that would jam up the works, give us a real presidential election in 2024 and maybe give us a final chance to get our shit straight.

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