Thursday, June 22, 2023

Wars happen between the politicians for their ideologies.. Death happens to common citizens (NSFW vid...aftermath of a rocket attack)

I wanna so apologize to all that are tossing links my way. Time is speeding up (still healing from the fracture), still have training obligations & with this time off and finally out of the boot (walking slowly) I'm doing all kinds of personal stuff that was on the back burner. Why say all that. Cause I'm zooming thru stuff. I try and post things of interest but in my haste I'm failing to credit those that took the time to share this. Bear with me.

As far as the vid.  This is the caption to it...
Abandoned position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with uncleaned corpses. When they left, they decided not to take their dead and left them as they were.

Video next page - don’t watch it if you are not prepared to see the real horror of war.

Pretty brutal stuff.  The wildlife and dogs are eating well in this war zone. 

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