Friday, July 21, 2023

26th MEU heads to the Gulf. Are they doing crisis response or are they going to "sense" and "make sense"?

 via Military Times

The U.S. is sending additional warships and thousands of Marines to the Middle East to increase security in the wake of Iranian attempts to seize commercial ships there.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday approved the deployment of the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group and the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit to the Gulf region, according to U.S. officials. The readiness group consists of three ships, including the Bataan, an amphibious assault ship. An expeditionary unit usually consists of about 2,500 Marines.


I bet the bitch ass staff officers that came up with FD2030 are wetting themselves right now.

You can also bet the 26th MEU won't be doing traditional MEU work. They can't.  The MEU has been stripped to the bone (at least the GCE), so what is the Marine Corps left with?

A butched up Stand In Force on float.  They will "sense" and "make sense".

In other words they're gonna land on a few islands and setup their Coast Watcher bullshit.

This is a dog and pony show for the 26th MEU that might kick shit off.  The Iranians will test these dudes and might even lob some missiles.

I don't think this will go the way they think.

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