Saturday, July 22, 2023

3-to-5 years from now is the danger time when the US could face both China and Russia via Breaking Defense

 This is a must read article that highlights many of the points I've been trying to make on this blog.  /

via BD

As long as Ukraine continues as an active conflict, Russia probably does not have the capacity to pose a conventional threat to Europe. That’s the inadvertent nuclear escalation threat.

 For example, what’s the most effective way Europe can contribute to an effective carrier battle group in the Indo-Pacific theater? It’s not by putting the Charles De Gaulle or the Queen Elizabeth there, it’s by putting the Charles De Gaulle or the Queen Elizabeth in the Eastern Med or the Gulf so that the American carrier group there can go off to the Indo-Pacific.


 In terms of what I hear behind the scenes, essentially the American demand signal is: ‘Europe, you have to stand up and be able to backfill your own backyard so that we can handle the threat in the Indo-Pacific.’ And if you’ve got excess capacity after you do that, then great, by all means come out and help us in the Indo-Pacific.

I think there’s a frustration internally about the public, continued insistence from a lot of European countries of trying to send tiny force packages with huge logistical burdens to the Indo-Pacific as a, quote-unquote, warfighting capability.

There’s a huge amount of good political and diplomatic efforts that the European NATO nations can contribute to the Indo-Pacific, but in terms of warfighting capacity I think there’s a bit of US frustration there.

The article is kinda airpower centric BUT it touches on alot of important topics between Europe and the USA.

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