Tuesday, July 18, 2023

A Wicca in 2nd MarDiv


Really don't care about her religion. She can worship whatever however she wants. Just do the job and I don't give a fuck. What surprises is that I thought the Wicca religion was dead. Kinda arrogant on my part. In the black baptist church we consider them to be pagans. Don't know what that is based on and it doesn't matter. 

Dogma from the church isn't new. Like I said I just found it interesting that it still exists (which is amazing in this day and age when even Satanist are getting air time).


If she is a decent human being, does her job and doesn't stick her beliefs in the face of everyone that she comes across then I'm beyond cool with it.  The rest is up to her and her god.

The only part that is mildly pissing me off is that with everything going on in the Marine Corps that this would be the "headline" story from 2nd Marines.  That IS KINDA telling.  The agenda continues in our military and more importantly in our Marine Corps.

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