Monday, July 03, 2023

Almost all Leopard MBTs supplied by Poland and Portugal have been destroyed?


Checked the "number counting" Tweeters and can't find anything...they're good on Russian losses but very vague on Ukrainian ones. The only clue I have is the emergency allocation of armored vehicles by the US (the Europeans seemed tapped out). By US actions I know that things aren't going well.

That is the real danger for the Ukrainians and NATO (for whom the Ukrainians are fighting a proxy war...this ain't between Ukraine and Russia, its between Ukraine/NATO and Russia).

War stocks are low, manufacturing still hasn't turned up to wartime production despite all the talk and despite all the talk by SOME on this blog support is flagging and will flag even more with immigrants rioting in Europe.

My talk about taking care of things at home will spread.

They've got to decide.  Either push all the chips in now and make a huge gamble while pushing till you break the force and/or lose it all...or be cautious and let things build up (training and gear) and welcome a long war.

Either option is terrible for leadership in Washington, across the EU and NATO HQ. Remember we've already seen this play before.  Saints turn into villains real quick.  It happened to Fauci and it can happen to the architects of this war.

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