Friday, July 07, 2023

America's REAL public health emergency.


America needs an INTENSE back to basics movement.

We have let the push for "diversity" go to such absurd lengths that when a person is OBVIOUSLY obese, instead of pushing for a healthier lifestyle we're told it should be accepted.

That is terrible on so many levels.

Our life expectancy has gone down because of obesity.  Our medical system is overloaded because of obesity.  Our national security is threatened because of obesity.

The problem?

Our schools have demanded more time teaching (plenty of time to get lessons in while still have physical education and recess but seemingly today its too much time outdoors).  Our medical system (doctors and nurses) have failed because they treat the symptoms but not the cause of these ailments and when they do push treatment of the cause its often just regurgitated nonsense!

Nothing worse than seeing an overweight and out of shape doctor, nurse or so called medical professional giving nutrition advice (my dept has these health fairs and I've sat thru lectures on nutrition and all I'm thinking is physician heal theyself)!

The solution is hard but necessary.

Start pushing the idea of health and fitness and stop pushing the idea that fat acceptance should be universal (one thing I've noticed is that fat acceptance applies to women mostly...for dudes its still a bad thing).

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