Thursday, July 13, 2023

Ben Wallace called Zelensky on his bullshit. Once again Zelensky forgot his place...

Thanks to Duke 7 for the link!


Zelensky is reading too many of his own fawning press. Dude doesn't know his place. Doesn't realize that he's a pawn and is pissing off the hand that feeds him.

Alot of people on this blog don't like to hear it, but ...

1.  Zelensky is an imaginary hero.  Nothing about him screams leadership.  This appears to be just another acting role for him.  The combat/fatigue shirts?  The beard?  Dude is playing a role.

2.  Didn't realize it till I read this tweet and did a little digging, but alot of people in the UK (just like in the US) are little miffed about all the money/gear going to Ukraine. I guess every country has X-country first faction.

3.  He leads (extremely small quotation marks on the word leads) a complete donor nation.  Its just not munitions, military equipment etc...its also funding to pay for the govt, social services AND pay for the Ukrainian military.

To expect a little gratitude instead of constant demands is NOT asking too much.

But the humble and the ungrateful can't put something that simple together.

Biden is starting to prime the pump that this will be a LONG war (for the modern USA is there any other kind?) but I don't believe the citizens of the West will accept that.

Zelensky better rework his approach to the West or he'll lose support.

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