Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Berger aka Elmer Fudd is gone. What's next for the Marine Corps.

 With Berger aka Elmer Fudd now gone, what's next for the Marine Corps.

Make no mistake.  His sycophant is tapped to be the new Commandant, so things will continue.  All the little minions that were close to the throne that Elmer occupied are all still there too.  We can expect the same for all the major commands too.

So what does the future hold.

Well its obvious that the Marine family is fractured.  They did that.  When they walked in the door they anticipated that and now its here.  Can it be repaired?  Probably with the general officers.  They're all the forgiving type (when it comes to members of that club that is) so we'll probably see a few coming together moments.

Additionally Smith (the new guy that promises to accelerate Fudd's policies) has signaled that "we can do both" by that he referring to still being a crisis response force while at the same time continuing FD2030 to deal with China.

Personally I think its bullshit.  They'll tinker at the edges but it will be full steam ahead with this nonsense.

Long story short.

Expect more of the same.  The pampered princes that inhabit the staff are all true believers.  They're gonna push FD2030 no matter how idiotic it is, no matter that every major JOINT wargame shows it to be a non-factor in a major war.

Which is why I think we're seeing the slow death of the Marine Corps.

First the Chinese will not be "tricked" into a war over Taiwan.  Second there will be a fight but it won't be in the Pacific.  It'll be in Africa over rare earth minerals.  Lastly the Marine Corps will be needed for sustained land combat and it won't be capable of even engaging for 15 minutes much less 15 days.

Crisis response will accelerate toward the Army with their 82nd Airborne and Special Ops.

The Amphibious Ship crisis will intensify.  The bean counters got their opening with Berger backing off 38 ship requirement and soon enough we will see the need for 20 amphibious ships.  10 light carriers masquerading as amphibious ships and 10 San Antonio class ships that will be used for everything except amphibious assault.

The Landing Ship Medium?  Its dead and we're just waiting for its formal announcement.  The Navy has bigger fish to fry.  It has to get its Frigates, next gen ballistic sub, follow on to the Burke etc...

Berger, I mean Elmer Fudd (they actually tried to push that Darth Berger meme...the left doesn't know how to meme...even the left in the military) killed the Marine Corps because he wanted to be a transformer and didn't know how.

Smith will continue the course but will only ensure the Corps destruction.

Its been a great ride.  The Marine Corps as we know it is dead.  Soon it will face an end strength below 100K, have the same number of generals and probably reduced to a brigade of trigger pullers in each "division".

But have no fear.  They'll tell the public that they're more lethal than ever and the public will eat it up.

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