Thursday, July 06, 2023

British Navy looks as anemic as the US Navy...

Help from NATO if war comes with China? We can use the Ukrainian model to defeat China? China is worried because of the resolve shown against Russia?

They're telling you lies and you know it.

What's happening in Ukraine has no bearing on a war with China.  China gives no shits about the fight in Ukraine and it is NOT acting as a deterrent (we really need to have a serious talk about the "deterrence" doctrine...its flawed as hell and does not work against a determined peer nation...they know that too!).

Make no mistake about it boys and girls.

We are IN the time of maximum danger of an attack against Taiwan (rather they're in max danger...we have a choice to participate or not).  We are not ready now and will not be ready for the remainder of the Biden admin's time in office.  We will not be ready for the next president's time in office.  We MIGHT be coming around by our 3rd future president's time in office but JUST!

Long story short?

If China wants Taiwan and wants to take it by force, we can't in the short term stop them.


We know it and they do too.  The only thing stopping them is the economic consequences of such an action.  But even with that have no doubt.  The world will probably plunge into a global depression and even more wars will pop off.

The knock on dangers of such an attack is keeping China at bay, NOT OUR MILITARY MIGHT!

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