Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Told ya to watch the Middle East. We're about to be involved in multi-front troubles...


I fully expect the Iranians to kick stuff off along with the Russians in Syria. I don't expect full out combat (unless the Iranians stir up Hezbollah against Israel and the Israelis are looking kinda vulnerable now) but I do expect trouble.

We talk alot about stress testing our banks.

When was the last time we stress tested our military?

The Large Scale Exercise that is being planned is in my opinion a sham.  Virtual exercises cannot replace the real thing when it comes to testing capabilities.

We know about ship maintenance being a concern but are we capable of sending the fleet out to defend our interests on a global scale?  Our aircraft?  We've shrunk our forward positioning of gear and recently found out that the gear in those positions is trash.  Have we improved?

Can we even get our Soldiers and Marines forward to equip them with the stored gear?

What are our priorities when it comes to an outbreak of global warfare in different theaters?  I know that Europe will come first. That's just the way it is whether it makes sense or not, but what about the Pacific versus the Middle East?  God forbid how do we even act if troubles break out in Africa?

We gave up on fighting two regional wars at once.  

That was a mistake.

We're not ready for the stress test that is coming.

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