Friday, July 07, 2023

Compass Points warned that the effort to portray Berger as a champion of change was coming. I'm still stunned by how hard they're working at it...

 Note.  Compass Points warned us that they would portray Berger as a champion of change but in my blunt opinion he failed spectacularly.  To be even blunter, the dude fucked up royally and he's fucked up the Marine Corps.  I WOULD NEVER recommend that a young man of worth join TODAY's Marine Corps.  An assault force transformed into a sea denial/sea control force with NO OFFENSIVE CAPABILITY?  Case the colors and rename this piece of shit unit he's built.  Fuck him forever and good riddance when he carries his sorry ass out the door.

But I digress.

Check out the puff pieces that came out...

via Defense News (notice that they picked their journalistic puppets for the story)

In 2018, Neller — the commandant at the time — tapped Berger to come to Washington to serve as the deputy commandant for combat development and integration. In this position, Berger would take his knowledge of the Pacific and his four years of reforming regional Marine forces, and apply it to the entire Corps.

“It was very clear to everyone the rising prominence of China in terms of the National Defense Strategy, so I think he brought me to CD&I because that’s where combat development happens. And if China is central to our security, then you need to understand the Pacific,” Berger said.

Sorry.  I can't be professorial (like so many fucking Marine Officers trying to explain FD2030...they talk like professors because the plain talk is simple...the Marine Corps is now a sea denial/coast watcher force!).

Berger is hanging off Neller's nut sack to try and justify his change.  He fails to state that Neller is against his changes.  At first he tried to swing off Mattis' dick by saying that his directive pushed the change.  Guess that wasn't working cause he stopped doing that this year.

But wait there is more...

 “You can get change agents — and some are very successful — that just come in and put a 12-volt battery, boom, charge right to the heart, and go” ‘We’re changing. Those of you who can’t take it, you can take a left; we’re all going right,’ ” Spencer said.

Berger, on the other hand, wanted everyone to come along with his reforms and get as much change implemented as possible.

This is a bald faced lie on a couple of points.  First Spencer was SHIT as SecNav and second Berger was a flawed and failed change agent.  The group of Marine Officers that opposed the plan tried to talk to Berger in private but he basically said fuck you.  I hope but confidence is NOT high that they say fuck you bitch when he tries to repair his image with them after he retires.

 Wood said Berger talked a lot in 2020 about what would change, what the Corps would divest to free up funds for new investments, and what new gear and concepts the service would come to rely on.

For his part, Berger has acknowledged he should have spent more time talking about the fundamentals of the Marine Corps that would not change.

Fucking Dakota Wood.  I hate the bastard.  He's been pushing crazy ass change ever since he landed at the Heritage Institute.  I hate that organization because you can always expect some batshit crazy ideas coming from them.

But back to Berger.  That fucker is damn near pathological when it comes to the lies he spews. First the fundamentals HAVE changed and will take a generation to bring back (if ever...the God Damn Marine Corps is on its way to becoming pussified).  You don't go from an assault force to a sea control/coast watcher force without the fundamentals changing.  Additionally its going world wide.  All Marine Divisions are adopting FD2030.  I've never seen an organization I care about castrated but the Marine Corps is now dick-less.

Read the entire puff piece here.  If you're a crack whore it'll probably make your crusty-ass pussy wet.  If you're a Marine and haven't been brainwashed it'll make you want to punch walls.

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