Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Forget Force Design 2030. You want real reform in the US military? Cut the number of generals by 75% (you would still have too many)!!!

 Have you noticed something about Berger and his alcolytes Force Design 2030?

They cut end strength like it was no one's business.  They shed combat power the way a hooker sheds panties in a back alley in New Orleans.

They didn't cut the number of generals though.  

The USMC has 4 divisions.  4 Air Wings.  Title 10 says it is to have no less than 3.  

How many generals?


Sixty Two generals to handle 3 divisions (1 Reserve), 3 Air Wings (1 Reserve) and of course all the logistics that go along with that.


Doesn't sound like a lean mean service does it.

You cut the number of generals in the USMC by 75% and you're down to 17.  Let's make it a round number for shit's sake and you're back up to 20.

20 freaking generals to lead 3 active duty divisions & 3 air wings.

Sounds like more than enough to me.  What I can't answer is how we got to where we are.  How did we end up with a bloat of generals and why hasn't the issue been tackled (its been brought up tons before)?

Want another head banger?  The USMC has about 29 battalions, that's active and reserve.  So we could have a general leading every infantry battalion we have.

Make that make sense.

I'm sure the same applies to the wing so lets say they have 20 equivalent formations.  We're up to 49 generals leading these relatively small units.

I say again.  MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!

What should the new Commandant do?  Ruffle REAL FEATHERS and cut the number of general slots.

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