Saturday, July 29, 2023

Former Ukrainian Soldier not at all happy with the attack plan (A failed Ukrainian assault east of robotyne)

I think I posted it, but the Ukrainians are experienced fighters but they're INEXPERIENCED when it comes to combined arms ops. Additionally anything above the Company level and things quickly unravel. They have no one that can plan, lead and execute a battalion sized or larger op. That's telling. That means that there is NO WAY this counteroffensive could be successful. Also read that Zelensky doesn't appear to have a plan except to keep sending men into the meatgrinder and to hang on. Kinda makes sense. Except for foreign aid (mostly the US), Ukraine has long ceased to be an independent country. Their ag industry is dead. They have no tax base. They rely on outside support to pay for their govt, military, public services and food. Ukraine as things stand now is a country in name only.  For their sake this war needs to be turned off immediately, the Chinese and anyone else needs to demine the country poste haste and normal trade/rebuilding needs to happen like yesterday.  Even with it ending NOW its gonna take decades to rebuild and that's assuming it can be done at all.  The Russians are gonna face the same issues in territory they control.  The war has been a slog.  The peace is gonna be almost as hard.

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