Monday, July 03, 2023

German newspaper puts the losses of Ukrainian armor at a shockingly high number during their counteroffensive...

Thanks to Duke 7 for the link! I talked about Leopards getting smashed but the Bradley doesn't appear to be holding up well either. Its gotta be tactics, training, a combination of the two or it could simply be that these vehicles just weren't as robust as we thought they were. The surprise? The Marder, once called the best IFV in NATO (a long time ago) seems to be doing relatively well. Remember these numbers are from "probing attacks" and not the bulk of their force. Let the howling begin but a couple of things. The Ukrainians aren't putting out ANY numbers on their vehicle losses and the main stream media seems to be supporting them in that. Next we're in the fog of war and propaganda. If you pick sides in a fight like this then you're gonna miss obvious issues with the way you're conducting the fight.

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