Friday, July 28, 2023

Head of SBU taking credit for Crimea bridge attack and putting a target on his operators...

The last time I saw some stuff like this was when McRaven was talking shit after the SEALs iced Bin Laden. Its not what you're suppose to do (or what I've been told you're not supposed to do). Personal opinion time. Special Forces, Rangers, MARSOC, USAF Special Ops and others thrived because they remained silent (for the most part...everyone got infected with a "write a book" syndrome), but the SEALs, again in my opinion, took a real beating from the publicity behind that raid. Not to their reputation internationally or in the eyes of the public but I believe to their culture.

The same could easily happen to the SBU.

These guys are at war.  A brutal war and if they're caught they're gonna suffer tremendously.

Oh and trust that the Russians are hunting them and are looking to take a scalp.  Maybe literally.

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