Sunday, July 30, 2023

H.I. Sutton talks about the unexpected way Ukraine's naval drones are changing naval warfare. I say they're just long range guided torpedoes...


These naval drones are getting alot of airplay. Ok. I get that. But the reality is simple. These are just long range guided torpedoes. Honestly if they actually were subsurface they'd probably be 10 times more effective. Why someone hasn't simply built a big, fast, powerful torp and put a mast on it so it had E/O and maybe infrared for targeting...rigged it to run just under the surface of the water so only the mast was visible then you'd have something dangerous on your hands.

As things stand now?

Its just the fast boat problem on a bit of steroids.

Alert crew.  Proper heavy machineguns and maybe a few anti-tank missiles on ship, not to mention its 5in gun and this current threat can be taken care of rather easily.

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