Saturday, July 08, 2023

If this is true then it confirms two things...1. the happy talk about micro advances are lies & 2. corruption is keeping munitions from reaching the Ukrainian front lines...


If this is true then this should be mega disturbing to the readers of this blog.

1.  We are not being told the truth about how the war is actually going in Ukraine. I've known this for quite some time but there are "true believers" in happy talk over facts on this blog.

2.  Despite massive aid, the weapons/munitions aren't reaching the frontline.

The second is more concerning than the first.  Where is all that gear going?  If they aren't getting it to the front then WTF!

We're already getting reports of weapons ending up in the hands of criminals, gangs and widespread reports of corruption, but this could pose a problem for decades after this thing is finally over.

We need firm accounting of where the aid is going.  Zelensky should make that a top priority instead of asking for more aid.  As things stand I have to wonder if some of the critics aren't right.

Are they pocketing it all and making the troops suffer for nothing?

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