Thursday, July 06, 2023

Iranian Navy failed yesterday but the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps seized one today

 The US Navy was able to "deter" the Iranian Navy from seizing two vessels yesterday.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard said hold my beer and did the deed today.

This is another data point in my view that the fight in Ukraine shows nothing except that the US and West is hyper focused on that war while everything elsewhere is falling apart.

If you haven't noticed it, the Middle East is on the verge of a huge dust up.  At the very least we're seeing actions that are meant to punish the West economically...especially the US.


If we see a return to the tanker wars then you're gonna see gas spike.  The Biden admin, the DoD and the US Navy is gonna be in a hurt locker.

Want to see Americans go batshit vengeful/hateful?  Let the price of gas zoom. If gas prices spike we're gonna be in an almost instant recession.

All the talk about transitioning to electric vehicles will fool a small portion of the people but most will be pissed.  Oh and don't think Europe will get off easy either. They're gonna feel the pain too and in a big way.

For all the talk about "all domain warfare" the Pentagon has left out the most important factor.  The citizens of the US.  If we don't support the policy, if they can't explain the policy except for hanging onto the nut sack of "freedom" and "democracy" then the pocket book will always win.

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