Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Kyrylo Budanov...this guy is being used and will die a horrible death...


Fame and the desire of fame are a dangerous pairing.  I consider it to be part of the "arrogance" paradigm that the bible warns against (no I'm not a bible thumper so don't get it twisted but I did pay attention in Sunday school!).

This is all guess work but I BELIEVE this guy is being used, knows he's being used, is enjoying the fame but has yet to wrap his mind around the end state of this thing.

via Task & Purpose

Rzhitsky was a dedicated mountain biker and runner, who went on rides in nearby mountains and kept a regular running route through the city he lived in, Krasnodar, Russia.

He was also, according to Ukrainian defense officials, a submarine captain who ordered a notorious attack on civilians in 2022 and was shot dead by an assassin while out for a jog on Monday.

And some online sleuths think Ukrainian intelligence operatives might have set up the ambush using Rzhitsky’s account on Strava, a fitness tracker app.

One hint: An otherwise dormant account tagged Rzhitsky with a “kudos” (the Strava version of a “Like”) to one of the dead sailor’s last entries that showed a run on what appears to be his favorite route. That dormant account is named “Кирилл Буданов,” the Cyrillic spelling of Kyrylo Budanov — the name of Ukraine’s shadowy spymaster who runs the nation’s intelligence services.

Budanov, a Ukrainian major general who heads Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence within its military, is widely credited with a long string of intelligence coups before and during the Russian invasion. In 2016, two years after Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine, Budanov led a raid into Crimea that destroyed several Russian helicopters and went toe to toe in a gunfight with elite Russian FSB troops.


This guy is front and center on most of the attacks on Russian targets.  Several assassinations, deep strikes inside Russia, attacks on civilians etc...

My thinking is that Western intel agencies are actually doing the leg work and even CIA direct action teams along with perhaps even Special Operations having done a few of the deeds (if not then Ukrainian Special Ops).

Without a doubt Western intel is assembling the info needed to do the targeting.

The Ukrainians need a hero, the Western Intel Agencies need a cutout and Budanov was just arrogant enough to step up.

Fame is fickle.  Ask Fauci.  Hero today, villain tomorrow.  But Budanov will be lucky to reach villain stage.

Guarantee he's on the target list.  Will remain on the target list till the day he dies. I seriously doubt they'll stop coming for him even after this thing is over and HOPEFULLY a full peace is restored.

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