Tuesday, July 18, 2023

NATO develops new defense plans, modernises forces and up number of high readiness troops to 300K.


I'll believe it when I see it.

It'll take years for NATO to even get its forces to maintenance levels much less modernise them.  Additionally while 300K might sound easy with 32 nations providing them you have to remember that equals about 10K each.  TWO BRIGADES worth of troops per nation?  I don't see that happening.

I mean think about it.

These are gonna be mostly mech troops so they won't be able to tap into their Airborne, Marine or Special Ops troops that are generally the highest readiness.  Even if they did it would be one deployment and then recovery time till they're ready to go.

The terrible thing about an alliance is that it removes the responsibility of individual defense.  

I see a bunch of nations running to mutual defense because they're not willing to invest in their own national defense.

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