Sunday, July 30, 2023

Short, late Sunday rant...Activist piss me off...

 This is a short, late Sunday rant.  Activist piss me off.  They always demand action but they always demand a certain type of action that is not feasible, won't solve the problem and demands that we all change our lives because of a minor segment of our population.

Take crime for example.

We know how to solve it.  Put criminals behind bars.  Keep them there.  Once released if they relapse then they go right back.

What do we instead?  Kid gloves for criminals, the majority of our population living in fear, the victims of crime being forgotten and general chaos everywhere.

Take the environment.

I still have doubts about climate change but if you want clean energy then we have that.  Nuclear.  Put plants all over the US. You want to reduce carbon?  That will do it.  You want to reduce gas consumption?  Why push all the way to electric when hybrid is here, now and ready to rock!  No new infrastructure and its readily available and affordable for all.

But no.  They want us to change our lives by picking at the edges which amounts to control and not real problem solving.  Stoves?  AC?  Other shit?  It's all bullshit and everyone knows it (or should).

The trans issue.

This one is easy.  If you're born a girl you play girls sports.  If you still have a dick then you use the men's bathrooms.  None of this "I identify as" so I can use the women's bathroom or play women's sports.

Everyone knows it but they wrap their heads into knots trying to justify craziness.  I don't get it but we're there.

Shit is simple.

So called big brains make simple shit hard.  Why?  I don't know but that appears to be the reality in big cities.

Note.  I won't even get started on the fentanyl issue.  That's a swamp that needs its own book but that's simple too.  The problem is that it will touch too many of our elite that like to "party" on the weekends.

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